High level of sediment and chlorine and scale can cause problems water feed appliances. SoftPlus XBB20-C800 high flow system combines XBB20 high capacity sediment and carbon housing system to remove the unwanted, particles (down to 5 micron), chlorine, organic matters and scale prevention with XC800 scale treatment system.
SoftPlus XBB20-C800 uses revolutionary technology to lower the PH level of water based on the basic scientific process of chelation. Instead of removing calcium like traditional salt softeners, SoftPlus chelates (binds) and sequesters (isolates) the calcium ions, preventing them from precipitating out and forming scale. Once bound to Citrus-Charge, the Xsential chelate, the mineral cannot form scale.
- Dimension: 720mm(Height) x 55mm(width) x 20mm (depth)
- Max Temp: 38°C
Max Pressure: 800kPa
Water inlet/outlet: 20mm (3/4”)
XC800 Scale Control Feature
pH is one of the key factors determining whether or not scale will form. pH is the measure of the activity or concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic with the acidity increasing as the pH decreases.
Citrus-Charge naturally decreases the pH of hard water to closer to the neutral range, substantially reducing its potential for scale formation. Since the pH scale is a logarithmic scale, small changes will make a big difference. For example, if water measured 7.9 on the pH Scale is decreased to 7.4, it experiences a fifty-fold (50x) decrease in hydrogen ions. The resulting water is scale free water, perfect for protecting water feed appliances.