• info@xsential.com.au
  • 78 Daly Street, Ascot, WA6104



Active Soft XC8000 single cartridge system uses Citrus-Charge, a revolutionary technology to lower the pH levels of water, based on the process of chelation. Instead of removing calcium like traditional salt softeners, Active Soft chelates (binds) and sequesters (isolates) the calcium ions, preventing them from precipitating out and forming scale. Once bound to Citrus-Charge, the chelated ion cannot form scale.

Citrus-Charge naturally decreases the pH of hard water to bring it closer to the neural range. Substantially reducing its potential for scale formation.

– Dimension 380mm x 90mm
– Maximum temperature: 38°C
– Maximum pressure: 800kPa
– Replacement Interval: approx. 6 months (subject to water usage)

Caution: Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system. Filters should be changed every six months or earlier for high water usage applications. 

Warning: For commercial use with cold water only.  Scheduled maintenance is recommended.  Xsential cannot be liable for system failures due to improper maintenance.