The twin under sink water filtration system has long been the most popular choice for residential use, renters and caravan drinking systems.
It is economical and effective in providing fresh drinking water. However, Xsential AX5-TW twin quick-change system takes this concept even further by making the cartridge easier to service or replace.
It not only produces clean water for years to come, you will not need to call any water filter service company to look after your water filter system. Other designs and single cartridge systems are also available.
- Reduces running cost because no service technician is required
- Compact in design
- No sanitization required because old filter housings are being replaced each time the cartridge is replaced
- No tools are required – this means no mess and anyone can replace the cartridge
- No damage to O-ring (minimise water leakage)
- No monthly rental fees
Model: AX5-CTC
Flow Rate: 7L/min
Micron Rate: 5
Capacity: 20,000 litres
Temperature: 40ºC
Working Pressure: 172kPa – 860kPa
Model: AX5-TW
Flow Rate: 7.8L/min
Micron Rate: 5
Temperature: 400C
Working Pressure: 172kPa – 860kPa